Treating IBD with evidence based, effective & simple nutrition 

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What my students are saying:

Plant Magic for IBD

What if you never had to guess when it comes to your IBD nutrition?! 

The truth is, figuring out your nutrition with IBD doesn't have to be "trial and error" and balancing multiple conflicting approaches trying to find what works! 

We put this together because we know those with IBD (like us) deserve better.  And as an IBD nutrition researcher myself- I know there are so many tools we can use to help IBD patients!

Plant Magic Is For You If:

→ You are 100% done with guessing at what works and searching the internet that's full of conflicting info

→You are tired of the "trial and error" approach that's led you to only have 5-10 "safe" foods

→You're ready to actually have a plan for your IBD that is evidence based and helps reduce symptoms & risk of flare up.


We have been there too. We know what it's like to be trying to manage your nutrition alone - trying to guess at what's actually going to help.

And when you work up the courage to ask your health care team for help, you are told it doesn't matter... even though you definitely know it does matter when you can barely eat and your quality of life is suffering.

You deserve to get the support you deserve, to have answers on your biggest IBD nutrition questions and guidance around what REALLY matters so that you can let go of all the things that don't.

Over the last 9 years, we have helped thousands of patients like yourself find answers, relief and a plan that works alongside their medications...

Without over-restriction, taking a million random supplements, or spending tons of time figuring it all out.

Every single day, we help IBD patients from all paths - Crohn's, Ulcerative colitis, Microscopic colitis, J-pouch, and those with strictures or other complications find relief from symptoms.... and actually add foods back to their diets that they thought the couldn't have.  


What the current research says about what to eat with IBD for reduced risk of flare up

How to use nutrition to effectively treat symptoms like diarrhea, urgency, constipation, bloating and abdominal pain 

 Answers to your biggest questions - like what about alcohol? What's the deal with gluten? And much more....

Guidance around your questions around supplementation - which are evidence based and what to look for

How to navigate nutrient deficiencies better - labs to ask for, best absorbed forms of nutrients, dosing etc.

By the end of working with us you'll have: 
-A plan in place for your IBD nutrition
-Know what tools to use to reduce symptoms
-Understand what really matters when it comes to IBD
-Know how to expand your diet without triggering symptoms

  • Total payment
  • 1xPlant Magic for IBD (Level 1)$2997

All prices in USD

Plant Magic for IBD (Level 1)$2997
